Functionality of the Fitbit Web Api

Lampros Mouselimis


The purpose of this Vignette is to show the main functionality of the fitbitViz R package. You can read more about the Fitbit Web API and how to create an application to receive a token and the user-id in the file. For the rest of this vignette I’ll assume that the following variables are defined (USER_ID, token) that correspond to your Fitbit user-id and token:


# parameter setting

USER_ID = 'My user-id'             # Specify here your 'user-id'
token = "My token"                 # Specify here your 'token'

Be aware that the token expires after 8 hours. If you receive a 401 HTTP error it means that you have to refresh your token. You can do that using the refresh_token_app() function which requires the client id, client secret and refresh token of your registered Fitbit application in the following way (you can find more information on how to receive these three parameters in the file):

# Refresh token once it expires (after 8 hours)

client_id = 'xxxxxx'
client_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
refresh_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

# refresh the token
new_token = refresh_token_app(client_id = client_id,
                              client_secret = client_secret,
                              refresh_token = refresh_token)

# a named list that includes the new 'access_token' and 'refresh_token'

We can now continue defining the remaining variables,

WEEK = 11                         # for this use case pick the 11th week of the year 2021

num_character_error = 135         # print that many character in case of an error

weeks_2021 = fitbitViz:::split_year_in_weeks(year = 2021)         # split a year in weeks

# Start the week at monday (see:
date_start = lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::ymd(weeks_2021[WEEK]), unit = 'weeks') + 1  

# Add 6 days to the 'date_start' variable to come to a 7-days plot
date_end = date_start + 6

sleep_time_begins = "00H 40M 0S"
sleep_time_ends = "08H 00M 0S"

VERBOSE = FALSE                       # disable verbosity

The previous code snippet uses one week of my personal Fitbit data (the 11th week of 2021) to plot my

The data for all these functions are available to download using the csv buttons in this Rmarkdown file.

heart rate time series

The heart_rate_time_series() function takes the user-id, token, the start- and end-dates, the start- and end-time, the detail level (1 minute) and returns the heart rate time series. Each output plot (of the multiplot) includes in the x-axis the time and in the y-axis the heart rate value. The highest heart rate value (peak) of the day is highlighted using a vertical and horizontal blue line,

# heart rate time series

heart_dat = fitbitViz::heart_rate_time_series(user_id = USER_ID,
                                              token = token,
                                              date_start = as.character(date_start),
                                              date_end = as.character(date_end),
                                              time_start = '00:00',
                                              time_end = '23:59',
                                              detail_level = '1min',
                                              ggplot_intraday = TRUE,
                                              ggplot_ncol = 2,
                                              ggplot_nrow = 4,
                                              verbose = VERBOSE,
                                              show_nchar_case_error = num_character_error)